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We want to make sure we are encouraging responsible drinking at all times.
Glamorgan are going continental for the first time, having secured a listing for Jemima's Pitchfork in 103 Vinmonpolet stores across Norway following a blind taste test!
Our Sales Director, Chris, flew out to Oslo a few weeks back to present our brand to buyers and submit our beers to the rigorous blind tasting process required to secure a listing in Vinmonpolet. Jemima's Pitchfork, which was recently voted the best ale in Wales at the Champion Beer of Britain Competition, passed with flying colours and we're over the moon to be exporting our beers for the first time!
Vinmonpolet are a chain of government-owned shops which are only places in the Norway that are able to sell alcohol over 4.75% ABV, so we're hoping it'll give us great exposure across the country. Maybe there are even some Welsh ex-pats out there who'll be excited for a taste of home.
The first batch of Jemima's Pitchfork will land on Norwegian shores in January. Anyone up for a little continental trip?!